The effect class covers a range of input-output nodes in between either sources and mixers
Or mixers and mixers. It depends if the effect needs UV control whichj only works on samplers.
Broadly I've split up a number of effects in
- DistortionEffects, handling all kind of UV processes on samplers and more
- FeedbackEffects, with an extra canvas all effects that involve layering are here
- ColorEffects, all effects doing with colors, works on mixers as well
Connection flow:
SOURCE ---> EFFECT1 --> MIXER --> EFFECT2 --> ... ---> OUTPUT
Effects example on codepen:
- Source:
- ColorEffect
The color effect has a series of color effects, ie. implements a series of operations on rgba
Effects Example on codepen:
codepen- DistortionEffect
The Distortion effect has a series of simple distortion effects, ie. it manipulates, broadly, the UV mapping and pixel placements
Effects Example on codepen:
codepen- FeedbackEffect
The Feedback effect has a series of tests for feedback like effects through redrawing on an extra canvas
Effects Example on codepen: