DistortionEffect.prototype = new Effect(); // assign prototype to marqer
DistortionEffect.constructor = DistortionEffect; // re-assign constructor
* @summary
* The Distortion effect has a series of simple distortion effects, ie. it manipulates, broadly, the UV mapping and pixel placements
* Effects Example on codepen:
* <a href="https://codepen.io/xangadix/pen/eXLGwJ" target="_blank">codepen</a>
* @description
* Distortion effect allows for a series of color Distortion, mostly
* mimicing classic mixers like MX50 and V4
* ```
* 1. normal
* 2. phasing sides
* 3. multi
* 4. PiP (Picture in picture)
* ```
* @example
* let myEffect = new DistortionEffect( renderer, { source: myVideoSource, effect: 1 });
* @constructor Effect#DistortionEffect
* @implements Effect
* @param renderer:GlRenderer
* @param options:Object
* @author Sense Studios
// fragment
// vec3 b_w = ( source.x + source.y + source.z) / 3
// vec3 amount = source.xyz + ( b_w.xyx * _alpha )
// col = vec3(col.r+col.g+col.b)/3.0;
// col = vec4( vec3(col.r+col.g+col.b)/3.0, _alpha );
// TO THINK ON: Seems we need to connect this to SOURCES somehow
function DistortionEffect( _renderer, _options ) {
// create and instance
var _self = this;
// set or get uid
if ( _options.uuid == undefined ) {
_self.uuid = "DistortionEffect_" + (((1+Math.random())*0x100000000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
} else {
_self.uuid = _options.uuid
// add to renderer
_self.type = "Effect"
var source = _options.source
// var currentEffect = _options.effect
// var currentEffect = 12
var currentEffect = _options.effect
var currentEffect = 1
var currentExtra = 0.8
_self.init = function() {
// add uniforms to renderer
_renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_currentdistortioneffect'] = { type: "i", value: 1 }
_renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_extra'] = { type: "f", value: 2.0 }
// add uniforms to fragmentshader
_renderer.fragmentShader = _renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform vec4 '+_self.uuid+'_output;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
_renderer.fragmentShader = _renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform int '+_self.uuid+'_currentdistortioneffect;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
_renderer.fragmentShader = _renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform float '+_self.uuid+'_extra;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
if ( renderer.fragmentShader.indexOf('vec4 distortioneffect ( sampler2D src, int currentdistortioneffect, float extra, vec2 vUv )') == -1 ) {
_renderer.fragmentShader = _renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_helpers */',
vec4 distortioneffect ( sampler2D src, int currentdistortioneffect, float extra, vec2 vUv ) {
// normal
if ( currentdistortioneffect == 1 ) {
return texture2D( src, vUv ).rgba;
// phasing sides (test)
if ( currentdistortioneffect == 2 ) {
vec2 wuv = vec2(0,0);
if ( gl_FragCoord.x > screenSize.x * 0.5 ) wuv = vUv * vec2( 1., cos( time * .01 ) * 1. );
if ( gl_FragCoord.x < screenSize.x * 0.5 ) wuv = vUv * vec2( 1., sin( time * .01 ) * 1. );
wuv = wuv + vec2( .0, .0 );
return texture2D( src, wuv ).rgba;
// multi
if ( currentdistortioneffect == 3 ) {
vec2 wuv = vec2(0,0);
wuv = vUv * vec2( extra*6., extra*6. ) - vec2( extra * 3., extra * 3. );
// wuv = vUv + vec2( extra, extra );
return texture2D( src, wuv ).rgba;
// pip
if ( currentdistortioneffect == 4 ) {
vec2 wuv = vec2(0,0);
wuv = vUv * vec2( 2, 2 ) + vec2( 0., 0. );
float sil = 1.;
// top-left
if ( gl_FragCoord.x < ( screenSize.x * 0.07 ) || ( gl_FragCoord.x > screenSize.x * 0.37 ) ) sil = 0.;
if ( gl_FragCoord.y < ( screenSize.y * 0.60 ) || ( gl_FragCoord.y > screenSize.y * 0.97 ) ) sil = 0.;
return texture2D( src, wuv ).rgba * vec4( sil, sil, sil, sil );
// -------------
// wipes (move these to mixer?)
//if ( gl_FragCoord.x > 200.0 ) {
// return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
//}else {
// return src;
/* custom_helpers */
// (re) use the sampler to make another output, with distortion
// renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_main */', '\
//vec4 '+_self.uuid+'_output = ( texture2D( '+_self.uuid+', vUv ).rgba * '+_self.uuid+'_alpha );\n /* custom_main */')
//renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_main */', 'vec4 '+_self.uuid+'_output = ( texture2D( '+_self.uuid+', vUv ).rgba * '+_self.uuid+'_alpha );\n /* custom_main */')
_renderer.fragmentShader = _renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_main */', '\
vec4 '+_self.uuid+'_output = distortioneffect( '+source.uuid+', ' + _self.uuid+'_currentdistortioneffect' + ', '+ _self.uuid+'_extra' +', vUv );\n /* custom_main */');
} // init
var i = 0.;
_self.update = function() {
i += 0.001
// renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_uvmap'] = { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2( 1 - Math.random() * .5, 1 - Math.random() * .5 ) }
if (currentEffect == 1) {
source.setUVMapMod(0., 0.)
source.setUVMap(0., 0.)
// multi
if (currentEffect == 2) {
source.setUVMapMod(0.25, 0.25)
source.setUVMap(2., 2.)
// pip
if (currentEffect == 3 ) {
if (currentEffect == 4) {
// testSource1.setUVMapMod(0.25, 0.25)
// testSource1.setUVMapMod(0.25, 0.25)
// testSource1.setUVMap(1, 1)
// testSource1.setUVMap(1, 1)
// pip
testSource1.setUVMapMod(0, 0)
var c = 0
setInterval( function() {
c+= 0.02
//testSource1.setUVMap( Math.sin(c)+2, Math.sin(c)+1 )
testSource1.setUVMapMod( Math.sin(c)-1, -Math.cos(c)-1 )
}, 50)
//renderer.customUniforms[source.uuid+'_uvmap_mod'] = { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2( i, Math.cos(i) ) }
//renderer.customUniforms[source.uuid+'_uvmap'] = { type: "v2", value: new THREE.Vector2( 1 - Math.random() * .82, 1 - Math.random() * .82 ) }
* @description currentDistortionffect number
* @function Effect#DistortionEffect#effect
* @param {Number} effectnumber CurrentDistortionEffect number 1
_self.effect = function( _num ){
if ( _num != undefined ) {
currentEffect = _num
if (renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_currentdistortioneffect']) renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_currentdistortioneffect'].value = _num
// update uniform ?
return currentEffect
* @description the extra, for several effects, usually between 0 and 1, but go grazy
* @function Effect#DistortionEffect#extra
* @param {float} floatValue between 0 and 1
_self.extra = function( _num ){
if ( _num != undefined ) {
currentExtra = _num
if (renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_extra']) renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_extra'].value = currentExtra
// update uniform ?
return _num