* @summary
* A Chain is string of sources, stacked on top of each other
* Chain Example on codepen:
* <a href="https://codepen.io/xangadix/pen/BbVogR" target="_blank">codepen</a>
* @description
* Chains together a string of sources, gives them an alpha channel, and allows for switching them on and off with fade effects. Ideal for a piano board or a midicontroller
* @example let myChain = new Chain( renderer, { sources: [ myVideoSource, myOtherMixer, yetAnotherSource ] } );
* @constructor Module#Chain
* @implements Module
* @param renderer:GlRenderer
* @param options:Object
function Chain(renderer, options) {
// create and instance
var _self = this;
// set or get uid
if ( options.uuid == undefined ) {
_self.uuid = "Chain_" + (((1+Math.random())*0x100000000)|0).toString(16).substring(1);
} else {
_self.uuid = options.uuid
// add to renderer
// set options
var _options;
if ( options != undefined ) _options = options
_self.type = "Module"
_self.sources = _options.sources
// add source alpha to custom uniforms
_self.sources.forEach( function( source, index ) {
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+index+'_'+'alpha'] = { type: "f", value: 0.5 }
// add source uniforms to fragmentshader
_self.sources.forEach( function( source, index ) {
renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform float '+_self.uuid+'_source'+index+'_'+'alpha;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
// add chain output and chain alpha to shader
renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform float '+_self.uuid+'_'+'alpha;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_uniforms */', 'uniform vec3 '+_self.uuid+'_output;\n/* custom_uniforms */')
_self.init = function() {
// bould output module
var generatedOutput = "vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)"
_self.sources.forEach( function( source, index ) {
generatedOutput += ' + ('+source.uuid+'_'+'output * '+_self.uuid+'_source'+index+'_'+'alpha )'
//generatedOutput += ";\n"
// put it in the shader
renderer.fragmentShader = renderer.fragmentShader.replace('/* custom_main */', '\
vec4 '+_self.uuid+'_output = vec4( '+generatedOutput+'); \/* custom_main */')
_self.update = function() {}
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
_self.setChainLink = function( _num, _alpha ) {
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value = _alpha
_self.getChainLink = function( _num ) {
return renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value
_self.setAll = function( _alpha = 0 ) {
_self.sources.forEach( function( _num,i ) {
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+i+'_'+'alpha'].value = _alpha
_self.toggle = function( _num, _state ) {
if ( _state !== undefined ) {
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value = _state
if ( renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value == 1 ) {
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value = 0
renderer.customUniforms[_self.uuid+'_source'+_num+'_'+'alpha'].value = 1
current = _num